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Farm to Table

a blade of grass, farm to table


对于富有想象力的人来说,广阔的空间意味着无限的潜力. 当景观设计师Jim Douthit第一次评估位于波士顿西北部郊区的这处53英亩的房产时,他就遇到了这样的情况. Greeted by vast open fields, a historic farmhouse dating back to 1773, and a barn awaiting renewal, the stage was set for a grand transformation.

a blade of grass, farm to tableThe new owners, 谁渴望与这片他们现在称为自己的土地建立互动关系, approached Douthit, lead designer and owner of a Blade of Grass, with a shortlist of desires. “他们想从房产中得到的东西很简单,”杜蒂特说,他与建筑商合作 Adams + Beasley Associates to execute the project. Although simplicity was at the heart of the client’s requests, 重点是菜园和果园,他们可以从中采摘自己的农产品, 该团队提出了多种方法来最大限度地利用该物业. 业主委托专家来展示一个甜美和动态的景观,将建筑环境与自然的辉煌相协调.

“They really let us be as creative as we wanted,” Douthit recalls. “我们开发了一些他们并不知道自己想要的空间概念,直到我们向他们展示了这是可能的.” Given the green light, Douthit开始将开放的田野转变为一系列功能和风景如画的区域. A nod to centuries past, 劈轨栅栏和粗石墙结合在一起,定义了每个区域,同时与景观无缝融合. The result is a captivating tapestry of distinct spaces, including a bountiful orchard of fruit trees, a flourishing vegetable garden, a chicken coop, a sheep barn, 在农舍新增加的遮蔽门廊旁边,还有一个私密的户外休息区.

a blade of grass, farm to tableMindfully preserving the essence of the surroundings, Douthit策略性地引进成熟的树木来补充充满活力的花坛, 装饰着丰富的本地材料和低维护的多年生植物,如茂密的草和黑眼苏珊. Amidst this verdant symphony, a custom built greenhouse, firmly rooted to the earth by its antique granite foundation, 提供了一个一年四季的绿洲,果树和热带植物繁茂生长. 一条迷人的古色古香的花岗岩和鹅卵石小径通往梦幻般的泳池区, which boasts a floating cedar pergola, custom built by Adams + Beasley.

a blade of grass, farm to table

While the design’s beauty is crystal clear, Douthit的整体方法旨在确保景观长期保持其辉煌. “我们花了很多时间和资源清除该物业周围湿地的入侵植物, 并重新种植适当的植物,以帮助恢复其原始栖息地.” This level of care extends into the day-to-day, Douthit的团队进行定制维护,以确保他们的客户可以毫无压力地享受改造后的房产. “我们在设计这栋建筑的同时,也密切参与了它的维护工作,” Douthit assures. Like a true guardian of the garden, a Blade of Grass stays a jump ahead, preserving the landscape’s magnificence all year long. 

a blade of grass, farm to table


鸡舍和羊舍周围有大片的菜圃和花圃, 豌豆石小径,提供方便的新鲜采摘的农产品.


4) Nestled in lush greenery, 一个青石露台无缝地延伸出谷仓新增加的屏风门廊.

5)漂浮的雪松藤架由Adams + Beasley定制,为泳池区提供阴凉. Nearby is a small lawn area, a hot tub, and an outdoor shower.

a blade of grass, farm to table

6) Luscious gardens surround raised vegetable beds, 一个典型的干堆新英格兰田野石墙提供了完美的背景.

7) Perennial gardens pave a grand entrance to the orchard, with a thriving array of nepeta, alchemilla, and astilbe adorning the path.


9) Surrounded by gardens of fresh, ready-to-pick produce, and a granite fire pit just beyond, this outdoor kitchen and patio takes al-fresco to the next level.

一大片黄花菜给密封车道的入口带来了夏日的色彩. Flanked by crab apple trees, which peak in the springtime, a cobble ramp leads to the newly renovated barn. 

Photography: Sean Litchfield; Warren Patterson, Landscape Architect: a Blade of Grass, Architect: Zac Culbreth, Builder: Adams + Beasley Associates


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