


There is something to be said for preserving the past for future generations. Many homeowners are discovering a renewed appreciation for timeless older furnishings and decor, encouraging a shift back to the value found in the exceptional craftsmanship of the past.

自1921年以来, Trefler的 一直是修复界的首选资源吗, with a highly-skilled and passionate team that can really do it all. 采用亲身实践的方法, 在特雷弗勒,几乎所有的事情都是手工完成的, 强调个人注意的重要性, 细节, 和护理. 从感性的传家宝到有趣的古董发现, the variety of treasures that Trefler的 can expertly revive, 整修表面, 重新定位是巨大的.

特雷弗勒,花瓶修理店(This large antique olive jar was repaired and restored by Trefler的. Reassembling the 11 broken pieces required the jar to be filled and sanded along the breaks, and color matched as closely to the original as possible.)

虽然买新的可能很诱人, restoring older furniture and decor is an eco-friendly alternative. Opting for restoration over buying new can reduce waste and conserve resources. Repurposing existing items minimizes the demand for new materials and reduces the environmental impact associated with manufacturing, 运输, 和处置.


特雷弗勒,桌子修复(前后对比:华丽的办公桌曾经模糊不清, 水损坏, 和骑着疯狂的恢复, 其原有的表面清洁和保存.)

Trefler的修复曲目包括家具, 装饰艺术, 书, 金属, 绘画, 帧, 纸上作品, 室内装潢, 吊灯, 和更多的. Their processes blend traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology to breathe new life into cherished possessions. “We recognize that each piece entrusted to us is an investment for the client, 我们不会掉以轻心,劳拉·希恩说, 副总裁,在特雷弗勒工作了23年. “We are committed to delivering a high-end product that respects the history and integrity of the original.”

Trefler的,自定义展示柜(Trefler的 can create custom display options for cherished objects, 有多种颜色和饰面选择. Here, custom wooden bases and plexi-glass enclosures were created to display and protect the objects.)

Choosing to restore also provides a unique opportunity for customization and personalization. 无论是抛光, 重新绘制, 或者给, Trefler的 process includes working with clients to tailor the piece to their personal styles and preferences. “From our small team of 12 staff dedicated to their craft, our goal is to align with the client's vision while offering insight on optimal treatments and custom projects,希恩解释道.

Trefler的《绘画修复》Trefler的《绘画修复》Trefler的《绘画修复》(之前, 在, and after: Painting restoration is another service offered by Trefler的, 除了自定义框架服务. Here is a peek into the process of a painting being cleaned.)

超越传统家具修复, 他们的专长包括重新组装家具, 接续部分, 制造缺失的元件, 解决诸如脱衣之类的美容问题, 再加工, 解决水害问题. Customers have the option to bring their projects directly to Trefler的 for estimates, 或者特雷弗勒的专家可以去现场找他们. Trefler的 also provides assistance for claims; for example, 如果一个部件暴露在火中, 烟尘, 水, 或者它们也可以帮助修复它. 

“We like the challenge of turning something that may have seen better days or is no longer functional, 然后把它变成令人惊奇的东西,希恩分享道. “这是值得的.”


(之前 and after: Designed to better fit a breakfast nook, this 4-legged table was transformed into a pedestal table. The newly designed base was color matched to blend seamlessly with the original piece.)

通过传统工艺的融合, 适应性, 以及对历史的深刻欣赏, the services at Trefler的 serve as a promising alternative to the over-consumption of mass-produced furnishings and decor. By placing a premium on conserving and reviving the prized and precious items that define our past, homeowners can blaze a new trail in shaping a future full of character and quality. 

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.trefler.com 或致电617-965-3388.  They are always happy to provide a tour of their studio.

