


(摄影:Keitaro Yoshioka)

众所周知,厨房是家庭的中心, 作为一个热闹的聚会中心, 娱乐, 烹饪方面的追求. 现在, there are endless possibilities when it comes to curating the dream kitchen, 随着定制设计需求的持续增长. Custom cabinetry and storage are taking the realm of kitchen design by storm. 具有定制功能, homeowners can tailor every aspect of their cabinetry and storage to their specific needs, 首选项, 和风格. 定制橱柜和储物柜也可以优化空间, maximizing capacity and functionality to reduce clutter and create peace of mind. With high quality and durable materials, these elements are as functional as they are beautiful. The following kitchen designs prove that true luxury goes beyond appearances, 在那里,功能和便利是终极奢侈品.


这间华丽的定制厨房由 神性设计中心 克里斯汀·康拉德(Kristin Conrad)的作品,功能融入了每一个角落. Floor-to-ceiling storage frames an armoire-inspired refrigeration area, where a custom walnut reeded pattern creates a 3D visual 纹理 that adds a touch of sophistication to the everyday appliance.

高高的橱柜显示出染色的胡桃木, LED-illuminated pull-out drawers that add an extra touch of glamour when opened. 特殊场合的厨具, 溢出的储存库分散在冰箱上方, 可通过脚凳轻松到达.


岛上独特的不对称设计, 以其单面天然石制瀑布, 增加深度和视觉趣味, 使空间感觉更大,更有活力. 作为焦点和存储中心, 岛上巧妙地隐藏了一台洗碗机, 垃圾内阁, 下面还有额外的拉出. 追求无压力的烹饪, 多面深抽屉拥抱每一边的范围, 并与相邻的橱柜相呼应.

(室内设计:Kristin Conrad, 厨房的橱柜 & 木制品:神性设计中心; 摄影:Austin Wilder)


DOCA波士顿 采用工匠的方法来设计厨房, embracing the use of cabinetry and partitioning as architectural elements.

波士顿DOCA,定制橱柜,定制厨房响应不断发展的设计趋势, DOCA超出了标准, offering customization options such as ceiling-high cabinetry and utilizing pocket doors for flexible space management. With custom millwork services and an in-house installation team on staff, 可能性是无限的, 即使在更紧凑的城市生活空间. 

波士顿DOCA,定制橱柜,定制厨房With their dedication to providing a kitchen experience tailored to each client’s unique taste and lifestyle, DOCA提供了无与伦比的定制级别. 这包括定制木制品,以创建定制的橱柜, 分区, 门的样式, 地板, 和更多的. “现在, people are more comfortable putting personality into their kitchen,特拉维斯·摩尔说, 波士顿DOCA高级设计师.


DOCA honors a range of styles and is known for transitional elements that bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary kitchens. 位于布鲁克林的博伊尔斯顿街20号, their highly visible corner location is the perfect destination to discover and help craft your perfect dream kitchen.

(摄影:Warren Patterson)


In this home, the timeless and classic kitchen design designed and built by 朱伊特农场公司. is inspired by the pristine wooded and rural area that surrounds the home.

朱伊特农场,定制橱柜,定制厨房Serene green and grey tones and marble countertops adorn the handpainted walnut cabinetry, which houses an abundance of functional and useful custom built details.


其中包括自定义分隔器, 香料插入, 一个可拉出的食品储藏室, 设备面板, 还有手工制作的浮架. The pocket doors allow flexibility to display beautiful heirlooms or hide easily accessible small appliances.


在朱伊特农场公司., each kitchen is built specifically for the client, without the limits of pre-set designs. 有一群技艺高超的橱柜工匠, 每个橱柜从头到尾都是精心打造的.


Located at the center of the house, this kitchen--custom designed and built by 设计工作室是一个活跃家庭的繁忙中心. 厨房可以通过多个入口进入, which tasked 设计工作室 team with creating an ease of movement throughout the space.


线条清晰, 纹理, 还有平静的调色板, 厨房提供了一个漂亮的, 提供多种功能的轻松环境. Tall custom cabinetry graces an entire wall from floor to ceiling, 住房烹饪, 隐藏的食品柜, 喂狗站, 还有一个处理房屋文件的指挥中心.


With a place for everything—all hidden behind sleek cabinetry doors—the family can stay organized and avoid clutter. 像这样干净整洁的空间本身就是一种奢侈!

(摄影:Jessica Delaney)

牛顿的厨房 & 设计

Including glass elements in custom cabinetry is a fabulous way to display your favorite glassware, 菜, 和更多的. 设计的 牛顿的厨房 & 设计 (NKD), 这个改造后的厨房既美观又实用, 有光泽的表面和战略透明度.


On one end of the kitchen, floor-to-ceiling cabinetry maximizes every inch of the space. Spacious windows let nature in, with additional storage and counter space directly below. 一台葡萄酒冰箱坐落在厨房岛台内, 它还可以作为中央储藏和用餐区.


牛顿厨房 & 设计(NKD), 皮埃尔·马塔和他的妻子崔西娅, 和他们的小团队一起, combine luxury with functionality to create handcrafted cabinetry and furniture. Their stunning kitchen designs span from traditional to transitional and contemporary, 混合一系列的材料, 纹理, 和风格. 

(摄影:Dan Cutrona)

