


建筑师John MacDonald 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司, 公司. 在为一位和蔼的朋友设计新家时,我采用了不同的方法, 多基因家族, 谁, 在加州生活之后, 在波士顿郊区一片树木繁茂的土地上扎下了根. Instead of reinterpreting the Colonials and Tudors that dot the picturesque locale, 麦克唐纳引导了艺术和工艺风格, creating an inviting and 谁lly unique 粉刷 home that takes outdoor living to new ground.

Custom patio for outdoor living in a high-end Boston home designed by 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司 由桑福德定制建筑公司建造.

This fire feature and terrace is a favorite outdoor space of Project Executive Pete Hunt of landscape construction company 景观设计. 而设计具有当代加州的氛围, 它的材料是用经典的新英格兰材料制作的, 花岗岩和青石. A pathway extends right up to the mahogany door, where you can see right through the living space.

高耸的悬垂, 还有多个天窗和层叠,顶部是一个光线充足的圆顶, 这个家, 同时与周围的建筑结构保持一致, 不像它的邻居吗.

麦克唐纳努力创造一个不典型的家, 用一种美学, 虽然很好看, 不容易定义. 而艺术和工艺看起来是主导音符, 这个家是一个混合体, 还夹杂着“一点英国乡村风情”, 也是亚洲人 影响.

Outdoor living in a high-end custom Boston suburban home with landscape architecture by Gregory Lombardi设计公司, 景观创作的景观建设.

后院拥有“由大量绿色连接的有趣房间”,特洛伊·索伯说。, 和清洁, 被新英格兰本土植物软化的线性梯田, 包括四棵宽赞樱桃树.

房子很长, 故意这样, 蜿蜒的平面图设计拥抱后院, 充满了兴趣, 阴影线和细节. 而大, 它的空间提供了完美的比例服务, 移动得很及时, 从灰泥到石头,从凉棚到露台,应有尽有. The home’s complicated geometry demanded a heightened level of craft from general contractor 桑福德定制建筑公司. 以及从 斯威尼兄弟建筑有限责任公司他负责屋顶和外部建筑金属. 屋顶的放射状设计一直延续到圆顶, 满是曲线和铜, 包括门廊上的后檐,都是用手工敲打和拉伸的. 老板杰克·斯威尼和他的搭档兼兄弟, 吉姆, 采用经过时间考验的, old-world techniques in their custom hand work and enjoyed being involved in what Jack calls “a living, 呼吸调色板”,随着构建而增长和变化.

Three-season custom porch designed by architect 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司, 公司. 由桑福德定制建筑公司建造.

花岗岩和青石的露天门廊, 配有ashar风格的花岗岩壁炉和头顶供暖, 延长户外生活季节. Phantom screens are recessed into the structure's tapered columns and stone bases to keep out mosquitoes. 

“The home is complex,” says president and owner Marc Kaplan of 桑福德定制建筑公司. 由许多不同的建筑材料组成, 包括石头, 粉刷, 西部红雪松锥形锯瓦, 还有铜屋檐和内置排水沟. “Getting all of those pieces to fit together the way they’re supposed to”—into a seamless 谁le—“is all very satisfying.卡普兰说:“与经验丰富的团队合作也是如此. “建筑师,景观设计师[Gregory Lombardi设计公司我已经做了几十年了.” Together with thoughtful, invested homeowners, it makes for a very happy project. “每个人都知道该怎么做.”

The task at hand was to create a luxurious, livable home that is ensconced in its landscape. 如此如此, 事实上, that the architect and landscape architect sited the house as close to the street as possible to maximize the rear canvas where landscape contractor 景观设计 会产生神奇的效果. MacDonald还为住宅指定了有机的调色板, 在窗户上使用苔藓绿色, 还有装饰用的油灰, 让它和它的地形融为一体.

Christopher Peacock kitchen in a high-end New England home designed by 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司 由桑福德定制建筑公司建造.

细长的座椅是一流橱柜的阴阳之源. The rift sawn oak flooring “is a work of art,” says Kaplan, and was done by hand. “它有一种令人难以置信的光泽.”

与任何定制住宅一样,室内装饰都是精心打造的 卡普兰解释说,这是为了满足房主的需要, 这个既勤劳又实用 这个年轻的家庭和他们的客人. 麦当劳所称的“生活厨房”就是一个最好的例子, 因为它通向家庭娱乐室, 户外烤架和披萨烤箱, 差不多一秒 承办酒席的人的 厨房,在那里 重, 高口味的烹饪发生了,留下主厨房供娱乐. 克里斯托弗·皮科克的橱柜 和硬件, 它看起来完全是展示厨房, 但事实并非如此, 室内设计师Manuel de Santaren强调道, of 曼努埃尔·德·桑塔伦公司. “我每天都要用好几次.”

舒适和安逸推动了审美. “We didn’t want anything too precious,” says de Santaren, “so that became the theme.“事实上,大多数使用的材料都是高性能的(例如.e. indoor-outdoor fabrics that are fade resistant and easy to care for) and “just as worry-free as they could be.”

Dining room of a high-end custom home with interior design by Manuel de Santaren.

Manuel de Santaren designed carpets that reimagine classical elements from the rugs of the Far East and South Asia in a modern way. In the dining room, silk is used on the wall coverings, and pearlized leather on the chairs.

尽管如此,整个家还是充满了精致和微妙的丰富. 调色板网格丰富, 温暖的棕色配上南亚的宝石色调, 像蓝宝石, 青金石和孔雀蓝, 还有闪闪发光的触摸, such as the custom quartz chandelier that dazzles in the dining room and a feature door in the 图书馆 crafted by an artisan in India inlaid with mother of pearl.

Family room with Far East and Asian 影响s in a high-end custom suburban Boston home.

图书室以巧克力质感的色调温暖而受欢迎, 包括镀铜白橡木木制品 by 韦恩·陶尔康 德桑塔伦称之为“魔术师”的人.虽然这幅现代的绿松石画看起来很适合这个空间 是这对夫妇在纽约新婚时买的. The door to the right of the fireplace is inlaid with mother of pearl and was crafted in India.

经常, unexpected details elevate a standard architectural element into a masterful flourish, like the oil-rubbed bronze balusters of the staircase that ascends a full three stories, 或者是纹理, 水洗白橡木木制品 由韦恩完成 陶尔康 of 韦恩 陶尔康 硕士装修与修复 这给楼下的茧增添了一种异国情调 图书馆.

Stair hall of a high-end custom suburban Boston home designed by architect 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司 and constructed by Sanford 定制建筑商.

这个楼梯“在本质上是仪式的,麦克唐纳说。, and ties the public spaces of the first floor to the semi-private and private realms of the second and third floor. 作为连续的, 三维元素, it was one of the most exciting architectural features for Sanford 定制建筑商 to work on.

大多数房间都提供了“一个景观镜头”,特洛伊·索伯解释道, Gregory Lombardi设计公司负责人, and his firm collaborated closely with MacDonald to ensure “uninhibited views” at every turn, sometimes swapping a door for a window to frame the luxuriant landscape and bluestone terraces and walkways from within.

Swimming pool terrace and grounds designed by landscape architect Gregory Lombardi Design and built by 景观设计 for a high-end custom suburban Boston home.

The pool is tucked over to the side to allow the gaze to rest on the lawn and landscape during the winter. A lush summer palette of white and lilac transforms to hues of red and orange in the fall.

毕竟,外面的生活和家里的一样多. “从景观的角度来看, 这所房子完全借鉴了西海岸的生活方式, 有了重点 on outdoor living spaces,” says Pete Hunt, Project Executive of 景观设计. Indeed, cultivating “simple California living on the East Coast was a priority,” confirms Sober; one achieved by creating family-centric “clusters,包括一个带瀑布水疗的游泳池, 火灾特征, 目前正在建造一个封闭的门廊和一个运动场. With all of the individualized outdoor spaces, the oasis feels more like a resort than a yard. 这与Gregory Lombardi Design的“蓝天”理念是一致的, 冷静的解释, “我们总是试图向客户展示他们可以拥有的东西, 他们可以决定他们是否想要它.”

架构: 莫尔豪斯麦克唐纳公司
建设: 桑福德定制建筑公司.
室内设计: 曼努埃尔·德·桑塔伦公司.
木饰面: 韦恩·托尔大师整理 & 恢复
景观设计: Gregory Lombardi设计公司
景观建设: 景观设计
摄影:Nat Rea Photography




