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Gambrel瓦式Cape住宅由Catalano Architects设计,Travis Cundiff Associates建造, Inc.

一起玩耍的家庭,永远在一起. 对于一个定期聚集在科德角享受阳光的亲密家庭来说,情况当然如此, surf and one another’s company. Over 25 sons, 从阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)到平季,这个家庭的女族长的女儿和孙子们的数量超过了她精致的海边别墅的卧室和上下铺, and guest home. But what a wonderful problem to have. Architect Tom Catalano of Catalano Architects and builder Travis Cundiff of Travis Cundiff Associates, Inc., 谁构想并建造了最初的家, 解决方案的一部分是:在街对面为她的两个儿子和他们的家人建一座新房子吗.

Interior designer Susanne Csongor of SLC Interiors景观建筑公司的Joseph Wahler说 STIMSON and landscape contractor R.P. Marzilli and Company, who also worked on the main house, had a reunion of their own, 重新加盟卡塔拉诺和康迪夫,为球队带来新的夏季度假胜地. 古典主义风格和红雪松瓦, 这个家和主屋的味道相似, and was designed on the same axis.


Left: the front door of the new home for the band of brothers; right: the front door of the matriarch's home, the anchor of the compound.

事实上,这两所房子的前门是对齐的,好像在挥手致意. 而Gambrel瓦风格“使用相同的材料和建筑图案作为主要的家,” says Catalano, “新家的内部更有趣一些, as befitting the younger generation.” The landscape, too, 哪个是线性的,更有林地的精神,而不是它的海滨同伴,它有一系列向外看的“花园房间”,” explains Wahler, 是为年轻的居民设计的吗. It is largely unprogrammed, 有足够的开放空间和两个主要目的地在更大的领域:一个小树林, 长方形的火坑和一个巨大的花岗岩环(在它的底部照明),孩子们用它作为玩耍的对象, running along its top, that encircles a favorite tree.


景观设计具有生态精神和干净的外观. "There is a sustainability to it," explains Wahler, 斯廷森模糊了庄园外的保护区和耕地之间的界限.

从外面看,这座庄严的避暑别墅与周围的邻居非常和谐. Inside, however, it has a double vision, 每个家庭都需要两个厨房, individual entrances, living rooms, private stairs, bedrooms—in two L-shaped wings, conjoined by a central core, with a shared main stair, living room and, of course, the front door.


这个舒适的家庭活动室由两翼共享,并作为两个家庭的中心聚会点. 它通过一扇15英尺高的马文升降门通往后面的露台.​

As one can imagine, constructing this type of home, fast-tracked for summer occupancy, required twice the effort and orchestration. Cundiff was a skilled maestro, 召集具备技能和个性的分包商, and tackling the build in phases, with teams for the north and south wings. 当时有60人在工地上工作. “协调是最大的挑战,”康迪夫说,“但这是我的工作.”


北面的厨房将清脆的白色橱柜与深浅不一的海洋蓝色混合在一起. “这是他们在开普敦的房子,”坎迪夫说,“所以他们想要那种感觉.”

For the interior design, Csongor“有意识地保持设施和装饰水平的一致性, so as not to stir up any sibling rivalry!” she shares. Having worked with the family for years, “songor”对他们的戏谑有着深刻的理解, yet sophisticated style and love of color,,在新鲜的色调和图形图案中得到了表达. 她小心翼翼地提供公平而又个性化的生活空间, 每一个都有其独特之处,并作为整体的一部分. 


In the dining room, Csongor使用了一个圆形的台桌,方便了邻近生活空间的交通, and a playful mix of wood tones. Thibaut壁纸和Formations吊灯的大胆几何与家中的其他房间紧密相连, without feeling “homogenous,” says Csongor.

Much like family. 坎迪夫沉思道,每一份工作都应该是这样,充满了客户和团队的信任. 这种融洽的关系实现了一个祖母的梦想:一个被爱的孩子, 房子使用得很好,可以让孙子们简单地穿过街道去参观或游泳.

The Team:
Architecture: Catalano Architects
Construction: Travis Cundiff Associates, Inc.
Landscape Architecture: STIMSON
Landscape Construction: R.P. Marzilli & Company
Interior Design: SLC Interiors
Windows and Doors: Marvin
Exterior Light Fixtures: Cape Cod Lanterns
Photography: Gordon Beall

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