
安慰 & 乔伊:一个新建筑是完美的


The goal of every custom new home is to create a welcoming, pleasing living environment that an owner will enjoy to the fullest. 从一开始, 365体育官网客户端, 设计师和建造者着手建造“充满欢乐”的房子, 快乐的空间,建筑师托马斯·卡塔拉诺说 也包括建筑师. 那是不用说的. 

But not all new construction homes cast a light and exuberance of time gone by the way this one does. 建造的 先锋建筑 under the deft hand of President Jeff Birnbaum with design input from Melissa Gulley of Melissa Gulley室内设计, the home was conceived by Catalano in concert with the owners’ vision for a “classical brick house with a symmetrical front courtyard.” Its charm is a reflection of the mindset of all involved in the project—including the homeowners—as the team sought to embed context and character at every pass, 而且很乐意这么做. 


这个家充满了关怀和空间. 伯恩鲍姆说, it is a “highly personalized setting” and a product of Pioneer’s close interaction with the owners that endures to this day. This is by design; Birnbaum deliberately keeps his company small to ensure he is “deeply involved in the building experience,以及每一个细节. 


“Virtually every surface in the house has texture to imbue it with architectural character,室内设计师梅丽莎·古利说, from the cerused scrubbed oak cabinetry and washed brick of the kitchen to the pervasive interior millwork, molding and paneling of the walls and ceilings to the doubly papered billiards room. “When you lose [texture],” explains Gulley, “a home looks like a new construction.”


This house, however, reads like it has a memory, and yet it’s as fresh as new paint. 靛蓝沙发可以让你沉浸其中, 还有阳光普照的厨房和楼梯厅, it has a buttoned-down chic that fits the family it was built for. There is a high level of detail and attention—from two-sided pillows to cascading, weighted draperies to unconventional nailhead designs that outline select furnishings—but there is also practicality. No areas are off-limits; everything is meant to be enjoyed. 


这是蓝色, 在整个一楼的光谱阴影, where the rooms open up to one another and flow easily from one space to the next without losing their individual identities. The hue owes its prominence to the site’s southern exposure. “The blue only works because of the degree of sunshine that comes in the house,” explains Gulley. “如果没有这些温暖的光,蓝色就会很冷.” The interiors become a study in contrast, and are undeniably cozy.


家里的纺织品是灵感的来源 Venegas公司的 细, 自我感觉良好的厨房, and prompted kitchen designer Donna Venegas to integrate different shades of blue with the oak cabinetry. "The client and designer had selected sumptuous fabrics that we just had to spring from,拉斯维加斯分享道. "The kitchen feels like a cashmere sweater and your favorite jeans—elegant yet so comfortable."


It has a strong point of view and plenty of personality, 就像台球室和酒吧一样, 这是伯恩鲍姆和卡塔拉诺最喜欢的地方. 前, 炉边游戏天堂, is fashioned in slate-blue paneling punctuated by wallpaper depicting enlarged antique book paper and tortoise shell paper on the ceiling. The adjoining bar, also a masculine lair, has a steampunk vibe. It boasts a bar made to look like steel girders with a zinc top, a tin ceiling and a mirrored backdrop for choice bottles, 精确的台阶和背光. The space was fashioned from pictures taken by the owner in London, explains Birnbaum. “Melissa and the homeowner and I kind of ‘freelanced it.’” 


As a whole, the interiors are wildly successful and pleasing. “Oftentimes, you don’t know why you like being in a space,” says Gulley. “而且,真的,如果做得好,你不应该.“这并不明显,”这只是一种美妙的感觉.”

Though the homeowners live casually within their home, the composition of the exterior of the house is formal and historically accurate. 这一切都是365体育官网客户端古典主义、对称和背景. “对于这样一个家来说, 我们在架构上进行构建,景观设计师丹·戈登解释道, 的校长 丹·戈登景观设计事务所. His cues for the landscape stemmed from Catalano’s Georgian Colonial design, and he sought to participate in nestling the home within its context.

Custom new construction and landscape design in Wellesley

This interplay of landscape to architecture is apparent on the rear facade, which is organized in formal terraces with an asymmetrical stair. “We  worked closely with the architect to create a lawn terrace that relates closely to those features, 这样你就能降落在一个确定的空间里, and transition from the terrace to the more naturalistic lawn and to the wetland. 

这是一种团队精神, and a deep appreciation for architecture and landscape, 这让这个项目真正走到了一起.

师: 也包括建筑师
建造者: 先锋建筑
室内设计: Melissa Gulley室内设计
厨房设计: Venegas和公司
景观设计: 丹·戈登景观设计事务所
木工: JH Klein Wassink Custom Cabinets and Fine Woodworking
瓷砖: 瓷砖展示
摄影: Richard Mandelkorn, Neil Landino, Sheryl Kalis Photography
