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Creative Systems; photo by Gregg Shupe

No cold shoulders here. 在新英格兰,户外露台的设计可以持续到秋天. 房主们仍然把时间花在户外, but, sure as our leaves change color, the experience shifts. Instead of making a splash in the pool, we’re relaxing in steaming spas, circling around a fire, 在暖洋洋的户外露台上喝着酒,吃着饭, 或者一边抓猎物一边指挥烧烤架.

(Main Image: Creative Systems; photo by Gregg Shupe)

Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru
Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru

In a team effort by Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects and Paragon Landscape Construction, 藤架的设计突出了厨房的户外娱乐体验, which also includes a fire pit and spa. 冷藏和充足的存储空间被精心设计成石头, 而两层青石台面(与铺路相辅相成)使厨师在准备食物时更容易进行社交.  

Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru
Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru

没有游泳池作为室外设施,确保了露台的三季状态. Come dusk, the experience is cast in a different light, when the fire and candles are aglow, 室外照明突出了选择的特点. 一个闪闪发光的水疗中心,让客人和房主在其愈合的水放松,仍然有一个酒吧边的电视视图.

Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru
Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru

在另一个项目中,同样的梦之队dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects和Paragon Landscape construction——在Wellesley的一个泳池露台上施展他们的魔力. 在秋天,这种设计是一种感官的盛宴. 噼啪作响的火苗和游泳池泄洪道进入水疗中心带来了听觉上的吸引力, while an ornate lattice wall, 详细的花园和景观照明注入温暖和视觉趣味.

Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru
Landscape design: Dan K. Gordon Landscape Architects; landscape construction: Paragon Landscape Construction; photo by Greg Premru

而夏天则利用触觉的阳光, course sand and salty surf), to us, autumn engages the visual. Arguably the most atmospheric of the seasons, 秋天是我们在大雪覆盖的冬天之前的“最后一支舞”. 尽管我们可能不太可能穿泳衣, 只要我们有能力,我们还是在泳池边吸.

LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects; architect Elkus Manfredi Architects; photo by LJLA
LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects; architect Elkus Manfredi Architects; photo by LJLA

LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects’ rooftop terrace is just such an example. 该公司利用芬威公园(Fenway Park)的夜光和闪闪发光的城市景观,设计了这个宽敞但豪华的高空场所. Significant engineering constraints proved insignificant to the aesthetic; the project reflects its incandescent urban setting, 而不是严重依赖种植和结构.

LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects; architect Elkus Manfredi Architects; photo by LJLA
LeBlanc Jones Landscape Architects; architect Elkus Manfredi Architects; photo by LJLA

以浅水池为中心的城市休息室在夜幕降临时充满活力. 种植着耐寒的草和植物的植物排列在豪华的座位区,软化了工业边缘, 而半透明的天篷白天遮挡太阳,晚上让星星进来.

South Shore Gunite Pools & Spas
South Shore Gunite Pools & Spas

South Shore Gunite Pools & Spa上面的田园诗般的池塘也抓住了它的静水之美, natural hardscape and autumn backdrop. 即使一个人可能不愿意冒险, 这种自然的景象就像夏日的一天一样丰富多彩. 这是自然和设计,艺术的目光从镜像池中翱翔, 越过它无限的边缘,向远处火红的树叶走去.

Landscape design: Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; landscape construction Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works
Landscape design: Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; landscape construction Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works

舒适的户外空间也是迷人的一年的这个时候, 由于气温较低,很容易逗留,并充分利用肩季设计. Case in point? Landscape architect Matthew Cunningham他的花园(如上图所示)是为比肯山一栋19世纪90年代的联排别墅设计的. 这个有着大梦想的小庭院,脚下铺着青石和砖, 还有一个定制的小屋和长凳,整个侧面都是用西部红雪松制作的.

Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works
Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works

A sitting alcove carved into the wood, complete with lighting, 给你提供了一个理想的栖身之处,你可以拿着书和羊绒毯子躺在那里, 但最引人注目的是历史悠久的砖砌水井. 用玻璃罩着,晚上照明, 前一个危险变成了一个琥珀色的焦点,发出柔和的温暖的光芒, as well as a nod to the past.

Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works
Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design; Michael Coffin Landscape Construction; Paradis Metal Works

Until that first frost hits, 耐寒的新英格兰人通常更喜欢户外客厅进行即兴娱乐. 像景观工匠设计的那种硬景观 a Blade of Grass, pictured below, it’s not hard to see why. 这个阶梯式露台既是私人的,也是社交的, 并设有一个指定的烧烤区和许多亲密的座位. It’s a convivial gathering spot to pre-game, grill, brunch and cocktail, 记得把杜松子酒和奎宁换成莫斯科骡子!

a Blade of Grass
a Blade of Grass

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