
Five Pros Rock Coastal Kitchen Designs

Roomscapes橱柜 & Design Center Coastal Kitchen Design

Whether or not your home has actual ocean views, 正确的海岸厨房设计可以展示你最喜欢的海岸的一切. Here's how five pros achieve that end for their clients. 

Instantly Entertaining in Chatham

Roomscapes橱柜 & Design Center Coastal Kitchen Design

Roomscapes橱柜 and Design Center; Derrick Zellman摄

Roomscapes橱柜 and Design Center 导演朱迪·惠伦(Judy Whalen)知道,她的客户都想充分利用他们经常使用的查塔姆深水码头. “他们想要一个与户外更好的联系,一个不那么正式的海岸外观,但仍然是时髦和经典的,以适应他们更传统的家的其他部分。,惠伦说. The answer: Transitional design choices that created an open, 宽敞的厨房区与独立的酒吧和室内外娱乐区相结合,其中包括一个三季房间和甲板. "It was a remodel that required redeveloping the entire first floor,惠伦解释道, 厨房位于室内,酒吧和餐厅位于三季房, 甲板和水边."

Roomscapes橱柜 & Design Center Coastal Kitchen Design

Roomscapes橱柜 and Design Center; photos by Derrick Zellman

对于酒吧区,Whalen选择了一种来自Wood-Mode的Shiplap北欧白色的清脆的白色橱柜. The countertops are a natural quartz, under lit to create a subtle glow at night. 凸起的吧台顶部采用3.5英寸厚的彩色Lyptus木材,装饰着抛光镍和玻璃的航海吊灯. 葡萄酒冰箱, 冰箱抽屉和制冰机藏在吧台服务窗口附近。吧台服务窗口在水池后面打开,可以为甲板和热水浴缸区提供服务. 靠近厨房的酒吧角落是一个船轮混凝土盆,中央有一个排水口,可用作原料酒吧或饮料冷却器:“这是我们的业务定制,并根据每个客户的个性化设计,惠伦补充道. 

厨房向传统致敬,采用了灵光灰色的镶珠橱柜,安·萨克斯(Ann Sacks)的原色玻璃砖安装在固定图案上. A custom barreled-metal hood was done in non-directional stainless steel, the kitchen counters are a natural quartzite called Taj Mahal, and the cerused oak floors are a custom finish.

A New Look in New Seabury

Custom coastal kitchen by 巴恩斯定制构建器

巴恩斯定制构建器; photo by Scott Button

Charlie Barnes, owner and partner of 巴恩斯定制构建器 在北法尔茅斯, helped this New Seabury second-home owner transform a closed-off, 80年代风格的厨房变成了一个更开放的沿海空间,在视觉上跟随房子的其他部分,并与一个新的屏蔽门廊相连. "We did a two-phase project to include the screened-in porch,巴恩斯说。, "gutting the kitchen but leaving plumbing, windows and electrical in place to stay within the client's budget."

Custom coastal kitchen by 巴恩斯定制构建器

巴恩斯定制构建器; photo by Scott Button

Barnes eliminated hanging cabinets that blocked sight lines, 房主选择取消所有上层的橱柜,以进一步节省成本,同时也突出了原有的木梁. 巴恩斯说,他的公司旨在为每位客户提供定制但无压力的重塑体验, 不管他们的预算是多少. 为了实现这一目标,他们在室内设计了所有的厨房,并推出了自己的彩绘木柜系列. 在这个厨房里, a lighter granite choice was economical, beautiful and functional, pairing well with all-white cabinets and GE Profile stainless appliances. 新安装的木地板被染色,与相邻的木地板无缝融合.


Custom coastal kitchen design by Surroundings Custom Interiors

Surroundings Custom Interiors; photo by Dan Cutrona Photography

Susan Tuttle, owner and designer of Surroundings Custom Interiors, had clients who wanted a completely all-white kitchen in their Orleans home. "I favor a neutral design palette with added pops of color,塔特尔说。, “特别是当你在做一个全白色的厨房时,你需要添加一些个性,这样它就能告诉你谁住在那里,而不会看起来像你刚从展厅里走出来。." Throughout the rest of the house, 她的客户使用了Tuttle在手工制作的3x12瓷砖后挡板和酒吧凳内饰中使用的浅蓝色. The wood on the stools picks up on the natural hickory floor tones. “在设计吧台就餐时,我真的喜欢把凳子放在不止一边,这样更有社交性, 像一张桌子,塔特尔说。. "To add depth to the fully inset, flat-panel white cabinets we used a very soft, light glaze and oil-rubbed bronze hardware,她补充道. The countertops are a white marble from New Hampshire. 古色古香的水晶灯被改造成吊坠,为经典的海岸设计和调色板增添了更多的兴趣.

Cooking Coveside in Jamestown, RI

Custom Coastal kitchen by WKP建设

WKP建设; photo by Warren Jagger

Wade Paquin, president and CEO of WKP建设 在新港, 在这个大的鲭鱼湾厨房里,几乎可以从各个角度看到海景,为他的帆船和娱乐导向型客户服务. "It's on the southern end of Jamestown, 远眺远方, deep cove with breathtaking sunsets,帕奎因说。. What began as a house renovation ended in a full demolition, building a new house on the same footprint. "I flip-flopped the existing kitchen and entertainment areas, 将厨房从室内移到室外,并增加了一个新的露台和餐厅,与房屋的封闭式门廊象限相连,帕奎因解释道。. "The clients originally wanted just a summer house, 但当我们把它交给他们时,他们非常喜欢它,所以他们卖掉了另外两处房产,把它作为他们的主要住所."

Custom coastal kitchen by WKP建设 of Newport

WKP建设; photo by Warren Jagger

厨房的设计选择包括Sea Pearl的石英台面和类似色调的玻璃砖后挡板. 涂漆的定制木制品和嵌入式橱柜很少使用鞋面来代替窗户,窗户可以捕捉到大型青石露台之外的全景海景,并进入带有令人惊叹的雪松大教堂天花板的屏风门廊. A pantry is loaded with the same base and upper cabinetry for additional storage. The kitchen island cabinetry is ash with a walnut bartop.


Custom waterside kitchen design by Venegas & 公司

厨房 Venegas和公司; photo by Michael J. 李摄影

Donna Venegas' Rockport clients, 喜欢烹饪的人, entertain and value natural material choices, also wanted their kitchen to feature panoramic ocean views. Venegas, owner and designer of Venegas和公司, 首席设计师米歇尔·凯利只有一个选择:“我们必须把厨房从房子的前部移到原来的客厅/餐厅空间.“为了保持海景,厨房也需要主要建在房间的中心. "We used only one interior wall for the wall ovens, a refrigerator column and a coffee station/food pantry,Venegas解释道, 但厨房的大部分被设计成两个岛——一个准备岛和一个工作岛——以创造舒适的工作区, 周围有座位,这样房主就可以随时与家人或客人交流."

Custom waterside kitchen design by Venegas & 公司

厨房 Venegas和公司; photo by Michael J. 李摄影

Wire-brushed butternut veneer was used for the large island and the appliance wall, 随着纹理水平排列成一个匹配的图案,巧妙地引导眼睛在房间里看. The large island is topped with natural schist counters from Western Massachusetts. 较小的食物准备岛采用端粒文革木材作为勤劳的柜台表面, accented that with an iron metallic painted finish on the cabinetry below. 所有的材料与地板上的金属瓷砖和天花板上的橡木板和谐地融合在一起. 有限的墙壁空间决定了一个30英寸的冰箱柱和一个组合抽屉单元. A low-profile induction cook top and downdraft add to the sleek look. "The homeowner loved the handle-less design of the contemporary wall oven, and the matching black steam oven blends nicely with the overall palette,维内加斯补充道.

Main image: Roomscapes橱柜 & Design Center; photo by Derrick Zellman
