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living area with views of the harbor

在波士顿标志性的罗维斯码头建筑的翻新之初, 在房主宣布了他们的目标之后, the residents, the team at FBN Construction, and architects David Foley and Paul Fiore of Foley Fiore Architecture 他们挤成一团,双臂在中间伸展,像踢足球一样. Just after the shout, “One, two, three, break!双手一松开,就是“触地得分”,FBN建设公司总裁鲍勃·恩斯特解释道, 使项目主要参与者的共同目标和信念具体化的时刻. “That’s where you want to get to,” he says, 一个没有自我或竞争议程的地方,完全专注于客户的愿景.

Foley Fiore建筑事务所与FBN建筑公司合作了20年, 两家公司在透明的基础上建立了平等的关系, openness and trust. “We respect each other’s strengths, says Principal Architect Paul Fiore, 站在他们最新努力的水边客厅里, a flawless unit on Rowes Wharf. “And boundaries,” adds Ernst, completing the sentence, 毫无疑问,他们的协作方法和融洽关系有利于他们一起处理的构建.

尤其是当一个项目有点谜的时候. Such is the case for this particular home, 建筑师试图将厨房的位置重新定位到后面, 生活空间的内角,以扩大住宅波光粼粼的海港景色. “It’s not that big a space,” says David Foley, 谁担任项目的首席365体育官网客户端, “but that single move could mean everything.” 

dining area with Harbor views

Lighting is inspired throughout the home. 桌子上的固定装置来自赭石,反映了大海和天空.

Rather than wasting time, and saying, I wonder if we could?, Foley Fiore向FBN副总裁兼项目经理Bob Murray提出了这个问题, 他们的员工在这座建筑的各个角落工作了20年,对建筑的系统和结构非常熟悉,知道什么是可以做的,什么是不可以做的——尽管后者从来都不适合公司.

“We are loath to say, ‘You can’t do that,’” says Ernst; instead, FBN愿意调查不可能的事情,并找到创造性的解决方案. 通常,可用的公用设施、排水管、水和混凝土楼板都是障碍. 虽然这些考虑不像讨论那样性感, say, backlit bars, custom kitchens and plush window seats, those are the very considerations that, once deciphered, 允许上述更有魅力的特征存在. “我们与建筑师一起调整设计以适应限制,” shares Ernst, “without being a limiting factor ourselves.”

bath and living area

建筑师改变了化妆室门的位置,创造了一个自己的空间, separate from the laundry and utilities. Inside, it’s a textural feast, with concrete tiles from Ann Sacks and Keystone Basalt Combed Tile by Waterworks inlaid by Installations Plus; left, 第二个休息区最初是一间客房, and it still functions as such, thanks to its pullout couch. 

And this home is better for it. 获得重新定位厨房的绿灯使建筑师能够将单元完全重新设计为开放式, 无缝的生活空间从新厨房流动, bar and dining area into the living room, a more private sitting area, and, ultimately, 主卧室和漂亮的大理石浴室. 重新设计使团队能够使用三个窗口, and their ever-changing panoramas, to full advantage, 并重新构想场景,以反映Foley所说的“温暖的现代”美学.

master bathroom

installation Plus安装了浴缸和淋浴间的玻璃砖,以及安萨克斯(Ann Sacks)的镶木地板. TBR Marble & Granite did the stonework in the room, including that of the master bath, waterfall vanity countertop, bathtub deck & 围裙、壁龛架、石门套、护墙板.

其结果是一个展示精美材料和工艺的城市避难所. 定制橱柜比比皆是,Foley与首席设计师Mariette Barsoum合作 Divine Design Center 厨房、吧台和餐桌旁的储物区设计细节. Together, they selected Doca cabinetry—a contemporary, 西班牙线完成了自定义油漆和裂口锯橡木染色, 厨房围绕着一个引人注目的半岛,采用锥形设计和石英岩顶. “我们的想法是在一个很小的空间里创造出惊人的存储空间,” says Barsoum, “and to have everything concealed.”

Kitchen and bar area

The homeowner fell in love with the graduated, 神圣设计中心陈列室的角度柜台设计, 她想把这种风格融入她的厨房. “建筑师选择了令人惊叹的饰面来表达自己的观点,”Barsoum说.

弗雷说,虽然这个家“清新而现代,但也有一种传统的感觉。. Inspired detailing, like graduated, stepped baseboards and moldings, and a current take on a coffered ceiling, 让业主收集的钟表和古董即使在家里的现代线条中也有宾至如归的感觉.


Metalmorfis的Jake Ducharme和家具设计服务公司的Chris Rice合作设计了壁炉墙. Ducharme制作了钢环,而Rice制作了裂口锯染色橡木木制品. The electric fireplace is by European Home. 

还有一种非常温暖和质感的感觉. The color palette leans heavily on taupe, with some gray striations, 以抵消凉爽的水蓝色和蓝绿色, and even the metalwork, found in the door frames, shelving and surrounding the fireplace, was cast in an inviting patina. 整体效果——构建本身和视图——是诱人的. The setting “is beautiful at all times,” says Foley, 在提到这件事之前,他一直盼望着去工地. Imagine then, how it must feel to come home.
The Team
Architecture: Foley Fiore Architecture
Construction: FBN Construction
Kitchen Design and Cabinetry: Divine Design Center 木制品和木制品精加工:家具设计服务
Tile Installation: Installations Plus
Kitchen Stonework Installation: TBR Marble & Granite
Photography: Greg Premru