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Incredible Outdoor Spaces


There is outdoor living, and there is outdoor living. For about nine months now, 我们都渴望置身于能吸收阳光的空间, the sky or the sea. 我们来看看波士顿和科德角顶级景观专业人士设计的一些令人难以置信的户外空间, architects and builders. 

Nantucket Playground

Gregory Lombardi Design设计的楠塔基特户外景观项目

Landscape architecture and outdoor furniture by Gregory Lombardi Design Incorporated; engineering by Braken Engineering; landscape contractor: Atlantic Landscaping; lighting contractor: Atlantic View Landscaping; photo by Richard Mandelkorn

This outdoor compound in Nantucket by Gregory Lombardi Design Incorporated was conceived to appeal to all ages, 并为居民提供多种方式来享受非凡的场所. As the home is not on the water, principal Gregory Lombardi capitalized on the sky and the enviable terrain. In Lombardi’s hands, the central lawn, formerly a pool that was filled in and leveled, became the organizing feature. It runs right up to the main home, 其分支包括带有活边胡桃木桌子的室外厨房区, a spa and pool house, and an infinity edge pool. The secret to successful vacation homes, says Lombardi, 就是创造一个你们可以单独相处的空间.” There are experiences for all, 无论你是在蹦床上蹦蹦跳跳还是在水疗中心放松身心,一切都在你的视线之内.

Vineyard Dream

玛莎葡萄园浴室和泳池馆由科德角建筑师Jill Neubauer Architects设计

Architecture by Jill Neubauer Architects; landscape architecture by Stephen Stimson Associates; construction by Doyle Construction Company; photo by Charles Mayer

玛莎葡萄园岛马术农场的浴室和泳池亭是由 Jill Neubauer Architects 与Stephen Stimson Associates合作,为那些“想要走出日常”并体验户外家庭自由的居民提供服务. With its clean lines and stylish restraint, this structure, which is adjacent to an infinity pool, is quite literally a breath of fresh air. “It is simple, but it’s soulful,” says the architect, and complete with cooking, dining and living areas, and an outdoor shower. When evening falls and a fire is lit, 可以在河桦树的柱子周围拉一个蚊帐窗帘,以防止昆虫进入,让业主充分享受户外空间.

Poolside Sophistication

Cape Cod Poolhouse by Paul Weber Architect

Architecture by Paul Weber Architect; general contractor: C.H. Newton Builders, Inc.; landscape architecture by Katherine Field and Associates; photo by Keller + Keller 

This elegant pool house designed by Paul Weber of Paul Weber Architect graces the exclusive Oyster Harbors in Osterville. The intersection of elegance and utility, 这个结构为休闲创造了一个宁静的环境, open-air dining and summertime entertaining. 完整的木瓦屋顶和低调的弯曲屋檐, 这个复杂的附属建筑“由一个由柱子支撑的浅悬挑锚定,” says the firm. 一间设备齐全的厨房和独立的用餐空间位于一间大房间的两侧,房间中央有一座壁炉, 而三套红木双门则通向元素和下面的游泳池甲板.

North Shore Stunner

Oceanside Landscape in Manchester-by-the-Sea by R.P. Marzilli and Company and Gregory Lombardi Design

Landscape Construction by R.P. Marzilli & Company; landscape architecture by Gregory Lombardi Design Incorporated; photo by Warren Patterson

在海岸线上雕刻而成,这座壮观的房产位于海边的曼彻斯特,由 R.P. Marzilli & Company and designed by Gregory Lombardi Design这是一个具有挑战性的网站,但看起来很漂亮. 多个海岬和分层设计提供了郁郁葱葱的海景, 其中最壮观的是从露台水疗中心,居民和客人可以在那里晒太阳一览无余的意见. R.P. Marzilli & Company 用青石做平面,用花岗岩镶边, 并从现场开采(切割和制造)了许多用于挡土墙和巨石台阶的花岗岩. 一个废弃的当地采石场补充了制作场地独特墙壁所需的石头.

A Fresh Approach


Western Window Systems; architecture by Architectural Workshop

This impressive space in Denver, Colorado, 是建筑工作室的建筑师布雷特·林斯科特(Brett Linscott)对科德角风格住宅的获奖改造的结果吗. To lighten up a formerly lackluster exterior, Linscott reimagined the façade, 结合宽阔的玻璃,以实现一个乐观的新外观. The contemporary home maximized its openings using Western Window Systems “提供前所未有的全方位透明度,”林斯科特说. 从图书馆里令人印象深刻的窗户墙,到两扇15英尺宽、8英尺高的600系列多滑动门,这些门形成了通往露台的入口, 这间明亮通风的房子现在是室内外生活的缩影. Linscott offers, “我们问自己的问题是,如何在不进行全面改造的情况下创造‘哇’的时刻.” Mission accomplished.

Warm Welcome

Hyannisport火坑露台由Bernice Wahler Landscapes、Patrick Ahearn Architect和EJ Jaxtimer设计

Architecture by Patrick Ahearn Architect; landscape architecture by Bernice Wahler Landscapes; construction by E.J. Jaxtimer Builder, Inc.; photo by Dan Cutrona Photography

这个发光的砖砌露台位于西海恩尼斯波特(West Hyannisport),由 Patrick Ahearn Architect, Bernice Wahler Landscapes and E.J. Jaxtimer Builder, Inc., 诱使房主走出封闭的门廊,在壁炉的火焰和被照亮的树木中坐一会儿. Nestled within an area that’s protected by the wind, 这个鼓舞人心的远景是晚上娱乐和, together with the pool terrace, 目的是将视线吸引到克雷格维尔海滩,并最大限度地欣赏海景.

Main image: The Schumacher Companies Landscape Artisans; photo by Jim Westphalen Photography

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