

Kistler设计的当代楼梯 & 克纳普建筑商

远不止是一种途径, staircases can be the home or office’s single largest statement maker, 代表了设计和工艺的高度. 既有功能性又有雕塑性, the perfect staircase immediately commands the attention of all who enter, 除了喊“风俗”两个字!从椽子上传来. The following stairways are nothing short of, well, heaven. They are not just works of art; they are feats of engineering and craftsmanship.


CM Ragusa建筑公司为沿海住宅设计的楼梯

constructed by CM Ragusa建筑公司; architecture by 经颅磁刺激建筑师; photo by Rob Karosis Photography

This U-shaped vision in cream and white oak cabinetry, designed by 经颅磁刺激建筑师CM Ragusa建筑公司在它的海滨之家,这是一个焦点. CM Ragusa建筑公司“技艺高超的木匠”手工建造了它, 在适当的位置,校长克里斯·拉古萨解释道, 就像他们所有的定制楼梯一样. The railing was laminated right there, using the stair as a form to ensure a perfect fit. Its striking good looks are a product of the details made in their in-house millwork shop, from the curved paneling transcending the stair to the tight procession of balusters that stretches from the newel post to the balcony to the lighted seated alcove tucked by the door. 



新郎建设; architecture by Craig Bosworth

This floating staircase for a seaside residence in Marblehead built by 新郎建设 makes a definite splash in its minimalist setting with its unique design by architect Craig Bosworth. 这个楼梯, 它的鲸鱼尾巴相互连接, 是博斯沃思的集体创意, 新郎建设 Project Manager Tim Dougherty and Matt Symes of 殖民地铁厂. The barely-there cable railing keeps the eye on the stairs (manufactured by 殖民地铁厂), 石板走过,又落了下来 Italmarble有限公司.


Stairway designed by Nicholaeff建筑设计事务所 由 罗杰斯 & Marney

体系结构的 Nicholaeff建筑设计事务所; construction by 罗杰斯 & Marney建筑商; stairway by D.S. 尼尔森公司.公司.; photo by Peter Vanderwarker

This circular stair, conceived for a custom home on 角 Cod designed by Nicholaeff建筑设计事务所 罗杰斯 & Marney建筑商, has a nautilus shell design and a compass rose at its core. We have long admired the way architect Doreve Nicholaeff negotiates curves, 这个有灵感的楼梯, which spirals in on itself as it ascends from the second to the third floor, 是一个很好的例子. Comprised of limed quarter sawn oak treads and mahogany railings (to match the door), the stairway serves as the pivotal point of the home’s two wings. 建成于二十多年前, 这个项目, 就像给它灵感的贝壳, 经受住了时间的考验吗. D.S. 尼尔森公司.公司. 建造了三层楼梯,而罗杰斯 & 马尼建造公司建造并预装了罗盘玫瑰, 它有248件和多种饰面, 在它的磨坊里, 店主Gary Souza解释道.


Laser-cut steel risers by 进行建筑金属加工

图片由 进行建筑金属加工

而保罗·梅内塞斯 进行建筑金属加工 对特约记者没用, rails or treads of this brilliant staircase that glows in SRV Boston, 意大利风格的酒吧, he did work on the element that makes it so wonderful: the risers. 的立管, 楼梯的后面是什么, 是由1 / 4英寸激光切割钢组成的吗, 涂上一层氨基甲酸乙酯漆,使其呈现出一种暗铜绿. The design is a riff on a quatrefoil pattern, backlit by LED to make it all the more impactful. Its seamless look is no coincidence; the risers were installed from underneath the stair, 隐藏紧固件, fit into a small trough in the upper tread and screwed into the back of the corresponding lower tread. He also worked on the establishment’s large custom steel wine rack, and the hand-patinaed steel hardware for a room-dividing system.



建设 帕克建设; designer: Scarborough-Phillips设计

This traditional stair hall is at the heart of a 1900s Georgian Revival located in Providence, 翻新的 帕克建设. 这座富丽堂皇的住宅里到处都是定制的木制品, and certainly makes its presence known in this graceful multi-story stair with lavish paneling and a wrap-around balustrade.


Striking staircase in a new Colonial by 山楂建筑商

建设 山楂建筑商

This impeccable stairway, traversing the first floor of a new build in Needham by 山楂建筑商, opens up to the formal living room of a modern colonial. Its appeal stems from its mastery of proportion and scale; its balusters were kept smaller so as not to detract from the floor to ceiling paneling, 该公司表示. The feature is a study in contrasts; its stark white looks all the more pristine against the oak treads stained in an ebony finish to match the hardwood floors.




We’re guessing there’s no glass ceiling in the progressive Cambridge office building pictured here, 但多亏了精品玻璃制造商 WOON-TECH, there is—without question—one smashing glass staircase. Dubbed the “Stairway to Heaven” by the employees who make the regular ascent, this shining construct fashioned from low-iron “Colorless” Glass, 有着完美的角度, 形状切割半径在内部和外部边缘, 防滑楼梯采用四层玻璃夹层, 垂直立管抛光(手工)!) to fit between each stair tread, would be equally at home in a contemporary art museum. 工匠在 WOON-TECH每一个部件都是由美国的工厂制造的 梅尔罗斯玻璃 执行了熟练的安装. 


Architect Treffle LaFleche's stairway, built by 德纳利建筑公司.

体系结构的 LDa架构 & 内饰; construction by 德纳利建筑公司.; photo by Greg Premru

This formidable staircase was designed by an architect for an architect; namely Treffle LaFleche, 友邦保险LEED, of LDa架构 & 内饰, “so you can imagine its level of detail,” says Principal Jim DePaolo of builder 德纳利建筑公司. 复杂的两层楼梯, 尖端的钢铁杰作, 染色白橡木(在踏面和栏杆上), 和定制不锈钢电缆和柱子, 事实证明这是一个巨大的建筑. 它的着陆重量是300到400磅, 说德保罗, 而它的四英寸实心胎面, 不需要立管, 每只重80磅. The 700-pound stringers (the toothy construct that anchors each stair) were cut and ground on site and installed using chain pulls.

上图: Kistler & 克纳普建筑商
