

ACK 4170楠塔基特商店

In 中心的楼角 & 岛屿版,我们在南塔开特进行了历史性的翻新 室内设计师唐娜·艾尔 that showcases beautiful bold and cheerful colors, patterns, textiles, furnishings and home accents. 家充满了欢乐和海岸的魔力,我们学会了 唐娜Elle and her associate Katie Williams relied heavily on Nantucket shops, retailers and galleries to bring the interior design to such a blissful finish. 考虑到elle和房主的品味无可挑剔, 我们想分享这个“设计师目录”," and point others to the fine Nantucket retailers and must-see boutiques of this inimitable summer destination to make discoveries of their own. 

ACK 4170楠塔基特商店

ACK 4170™ is a quaint retail shop offering high-quality Nantucket-inspired accessories, 服装, 珠宝, 文具及艺术品. 有其独特的商标标志, derived from the airport code (ACK) and geographic coordinates (4170) for Nantucket Island, 这家店拥抱楠塔基特的生活方式. ACK 4170™represents “old school” Nantucket and is extremely unique to the island, with 98% of the store composed of products from small artists and makers. 信守“盐”的座右铭. 沙子. “海”,ACK 4170™为您带来咸和航海的一切. 位于旧北码头1A号. 细节: ACK 4170™每周7天开放. Hours: Sunday-Thursday 10am-5pm; Friday-Saturday 10am-6pm. 可在路边接送.


箭头托儿所和家具 是否建立了良好的客户服务声誉, quality plant material and outdoor furniture since its inception in 1997, becoming the most valuable resource for new and existing homeowners in Nantucket. In 2003, the impressive Wampanoag Way Nursery and Showroom became an addition to the Arrowhead brand. 箭头托儿所和家具 has products of amazing quality to combat the island’s tough ocean air, 负担得起的价格, 并在楠塔基特提供免费送货服务. The Showroom features three floors of indoor and outdoor furniture, 家居装饰, and unique 礼物. 苗圃提供了优秀的树木选择, 灌木, 多年生植物, 每年花, 陶器, 种植园主, 和更多的. 位于9 Wampanoag Way. 细节: 箭头托儿所和家具正在开放! 园艺师和房主也被鼓励前来参观, 可提前致电和/或发电子邮件预约路边接送服务. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离. 目前一次最多有6个客户. 


巴特利特的农场 南塔开特最古老、最大的家庭农场是什么. 这个令人难以置信的农场跨越了七代人(而且还在增加)!). 这个行业养活了许多家庭, growing a wide variety of produce and flowers on more than 100 acres of open fields. In the last decade, Bartlett’s has transformed more than 20 acres to certified organic fields. 这里有40个温室, growing high quality food and a wide range of flowering plants that Nantucketers and visitors alike enjoy in their homes and gardens. 位于33 Bartlett Farm, Rd. 详细信息:巴特利特农场开放! 所有农场活动,包括农场旅游, Flower Picking Tours and Pick Your Own Strawberries have been cancelled this summer. 室外座位被移除,操场被关闭. The current hours are 7am-8am; the Market and Garden Center is open for in-store shopping for adults 60 and over. 上午8点后,它们向公众开放,供店内购物. Curbside pick up is available through online order from 9am to 6:30pm.


海岸回家 is an endearing design shop featuring beautiful furnishings and accents for inside and outside your coastal home. 海岸回家 offers a range of distinctive items from linen wrapped furniture, 定制室内装潢, 地毯, 美术摄影, 工件, 配件及更多. 业主及创始人, Paul Gaucher of Icon Design Group blends classic styles with modern needs for a transitional and progressive touch. This unique shop is really tailored for the client's specific vision, 代表着来自波士顿地区和其他地区的设计师. 位于老南路64 1/2号. 细节: 海岸之家开放! 需要戴口罩,并采取保持社交距离的做法. Store hours are Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm; Sunday 10am-2pm.


栗子花 是楠塔基特岛唯一一家提供全方位服务的花店吗. It is located in an over 100-year-old building that became the perfect space for the beautiful flowers, 礼品店, 还有花园. 30多年来, 栗子花 has built wonderful relationships with its customers, 成为南塔开特的主要商店之一. 位于栗子街1号. 细节:栗子上的花是开放的! 栗子花 is only allowing 4 clients in the store at any one time for in person shopping. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离. 送货和取件是可用的. 然而, 提前计划,早点订购, 指定接机时间, 至少给你一个小时来处理你的取货订单.

J. 巴特勒收藏,南塔开特

J. 巴特勒集合 is a boutique home design shoppe, offering the collection of interior designer Jeffrey B. Haines (pictured), owner of design studio Butler's of Far Hills in New Jersey. 每年夏天,他的独特收藏都会来到楠塔基特岛, 以他毫不费力的品味和家居设计风格为特色. 在这家店, 你会发现古董, 高端桌面配件, specialty furniture pieces that blend classic appeal with a modern and simplified style. This collection is wonderfully regarded both by designers for their clients projects and by the customers themselves. 位于12 Main St.,楠塔基特岛. 细节:J. 巴特勒集合开放! 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离. 营业时间为周二至周六上午10点至下午4点半.


楠塔基特岛织机 52年来一直在描绘永恒的楠塔基特岛. 一家成立于1968年的特殊企业, 楠塔基特织机提供了一系列精美的家居用品, 手工纺织品, 服装, accessories and full-scale interior design services between their retail shop, 编织工作室和室内设计工作室. 80多位当地工匠, 包括画家, 陶工, 木头雕刻, 篮子编织工和珠宝制造商也有代表. The team members want to help you bring your vision to light for your home. 楠塔基特织机对艺术做出了承诺, 传统, 和客户关怀,造福整个岛屿. 主街51号.,楠塔基特岛. 细节:楠塔基特织机是开放的! 一次只允许6个顾客进店. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离. The Weaving Studio and Design Studio are temporarily closed but are available by appointment. Curbside pickup and free island delivery are always available for online or over the phone orders in the shop.

Quidley & 公司,楠塔基特岛

Quidley & 公司美术画廊 展示数十位当代著名艺术家的作品. The main focus ranges from landscape, marine, still life, and figurative artwork. Quidley & Company features amazing new art exhibitions in its three locations (Nantucket, 那不勒斯和韦斯特波特), 所有这些都是通过他们的在线存在来记录的. Priding themselves in building lasting relationships with long-term clients, the gallery is a gem at the heart of the island’s historic downtown. 位于26 Main St. 详情:美术馆每周开放7天,从上午10点到晚上8点. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离.


Stephanie 's是一家成立于1997年的可爱精品店. 作为楠塔基特最实惠,最兼收并蓄的商店, 家居装饰, 礼物, 鞋子, 服装, 还有更多是专门为顾客挑选的. 以出色的客户服务为荣, 提供有趣而富有创意的购物体验, 斯蒂芬妮家是南塔开特岛上的必去之地. 位于42 Main St. 详细信息:Stephanie 's每周7天从上午9点到下午6点开放. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离.


照片由Read McKendree / JBSA提供

Sunny Wood设计 (上图客厅墙上的照片)令人惊叹. Artist Sunny Woods grew up close to nature, drawing from the Island’s beauty as inspiration. He carves whales, by hand, from wood—pouring heart and soul into every sculpture. 每一件作品都是独一无二的, 非常注重细节, 向鲸鱼本身的自然威严致敬. 详情:仅限网上商店. 


瓷砖房 为设计专业人士和房主激发灵感. The showroom highlights diverse lines of tile and stone from around the world, 提供精彩的选择. There is no project or budget too big or too small for the experienced staff, 无论你的项目位于哪里(在岛上还是在岛上)!). 为自己的卓越服务而自豪, The Tile Room has established itself as the premier home design source on Nantucket for serving both local and non-local clientele. 位于9 Sparks Ave. 详情:瓷砖房是开放的! Regular business hours are Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm; Saturday 10am-2pm. 建议预约. 佩戴口罩,保持社交距离.

点击链接阅读在线文章 夏日恋情,展示上述店铺的货品. 
