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Seasonal Spruce-Up: How Much Mulch & Other Tips

Seasonal tips for your yard

We won’t sugarcoat it. 这个冬天已经留下了印记,整理你的院子需要做一些事情. Broken tree limbs are littering landscapes and roads; mailboxes have yelled “timber!而可怜的、下垂的栅栏急需修理. 幸运的是,BDG有专业人士帮助你整理你的院子,但很好. 我们整理了一份清单,帮助你美化你的户外空间. 再加上一点跑腿的工作,除了享受就没什么可做的了!

How Much Mulch?

Seasonal tips for your yard

R.P. Marzilli; photo by Rosemary Fletcher Photography

Now, R.P. Marzilli & 公司和其他主要景观承包商可以为您做这项工作(R.P. Marzilli has its own mulch blower), but if you choose to go it alone, Robert Marzilli, president of R.P. Marzilli & 公司很好心地给了我们地膜上的土. According to Marzilli, there are two reasons to lay down mulch: one, aesthetics and two, to keep the weeds down.

Seasonal tips for your yard

R.P. Marzilli; photo by Rosemary Fletcher Photography

R.P. Marzilli & Company tends to mulch early and once a season, 并且会不时地增加床的数量,以防冲洗(你好!!!). 第一步是清洁你的床,在铺设新树皮之前去除旧树皮.

His biggest tip? Do not over-mulch. 你只需要两到三英寸的护根物,不要把它堆得很高,紧贴着树干或植物的根部——那只会招来疾病. Also, when it gets too thick, the ground becomes impervious to water, so you’re not going to get that beneficial rain.

如果你在覆盖土地和多年生植物, keep the layer thin; use just one inch, as too much mulch inhibits growth.

Seasonal tips for your yard

R.P. Marzilli; photo by Rosemary Fletcher Photography

What should your mulch look like? Steer clear of dyes and chemicals. 虽然你可能认为红色地膜会发出“化学物质”的声音,一些深色覆盖物也被染色以获得更深的色调, so be sure to read the labels.

The finer the mulch the better. Marzilli使用50%的树叶堆肥和50%的松地膜混合粉. Stringy, coarser mulches don’t break down as well, 添加树叶堆肥可以让土壤中有更多的有机物,对土壤更好.

Makeover Your Mailbox and Lantern Posts

Seasonal tips for your yard

Walpole Outdoors

你可怜的邮递员每天都来送你的邮件,是因为你的邮箱输给了东北风吗? Refresh your mailbox and lantern posts. It may sound silly, 但房地产经纪人告诉我们,许多潜在买家首先通过邮箱来判断一个房子——这已经成为一种暗示,表明房子的其他部分得到了很好的照料.

Seasonal tips for your yard

Walpole Outdoors

According to Walpole Outdoors,灯柱和邮筒应反映你家的风格. 手工制作的北方白雪松是一种受欢迎的选择, 你可能要考虑一个坚固的蜂窝乙烯基选项, as it is very low maintenance, or perhaps New Hampshire granite, as it is all but indestructible.

Freshen Up Your Fencing

Seasonal tips for your yard

Perfection Fence

Beyond a finishing touch to your terrain, 栅栏可以为你的房屋外观做出强有力的设计声明. 它们可以帮助定义户外空间和塑造景观, 创造隐私,或者只是为你的花朵做一个风景如画的背景.

Seasonal tips for your yard

Perfection Fence

Perfection Fence can build the fences of your dreams, collaborating with landscape architects, 建筑师和建筑商为你的院子定制围栏. Their materials run the gamut, 从硬木和金属到非常耐用的木材替代品,如永远乙烯基. Most can’t distinguish the latter from wood; in fact, 由聚氯乙烯制成的栅栏在沿海房产中无处不在,对于那些没有时间染色和打磨的房主来说,它比以往任何时候都更受欢迎.

Consider an Entry Gate

Seasonal tips for your yard


如果你的击剑坏了,你想装个入口门, KINEGATE is your go-to source. The company, a division of Kinefac Corporation, is built on maximizing first impressions, 他们的入口也有安全方面的好处. KINEGATE’s hand-forged solid steel, 青铜和铝制品是高端住宅的终极宣言,它们的实心红木(三英寸厚)!),应用程序设计师科林·巴特勒(Colin Butler)说:“都是为了持久而设计的。.

Seasonal tips for your yard


As an entry gate is an investment to be sure, KINEGATE通过虚拟成像帮助客户将他们的门与他们的家相匹配. 这种方法还可以让房主在“一站式服务”工程师和安装门系统之前,看到他们家的新方法将是什么样子——并确保他们对此感到兴奋.

Paint Your Front Door

Seasonal tips for your yard

Kenneth Vona Construction

没有什么比在你的前门上一层新漆更能立刻提升你的入口感了. Barbara Kotzen of Kotzen Interiors 你是否坚信漂亮的前门能让你的家焕然一新. Splurge on a good paint—C2 or Farrow & 球是Kotzen挑选的,并且变得华丽而光滑. 如果你要用颜色,选择你喜欢的而不是流行的.

Say It with Flowers

Seasonal tips for your yard

Artefact Home | Garden

好好犒劳一下自己,用新容器装上春暖花开的花朵. 除了精心编辑的一系列灵感家居, Artefact Home | Garden 从独特的瓮到雕刻的石头,在容器中安排巧妙的春季混合物. Above, 该公司最喜欢的木炭和黑色容器搭配之一是黄绿色大戟吗, cobalt blue petals and yellow twigged dogwood.

Seasonal tips for your yard

Artefact Home | Garden

没有什么比郁郁葱葱的绿色和震撼的色彩更能给你的家门口增添生机和情趣了, windows and terraces. 在这里,三色堇,大戟和嚏根草混合在一个铅灰色的花盆里. 店主苏和莫林·沃尔什很喜欢黑门附近亮绿色树叶的效果, and so do we!

Main image: R.P. Marzilli and Company; image by Rosemary Fletcher

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