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Posted Oct 27 at 11:42 AM in Blog by Admin
有人说,模仿是最大的奉承. With this project, it was more than that. It was a dream come to fruition.  The vision was conjured by S. 普莱斯利·布莱克,他于1935年共同创立了友好冰淇淋公司. 作为一个欣赏精美建筑和历史的人, Blake envisioned a replica of Monticello, 这是我国第三任总统18世纪的故居, Thomas...
Posted Oct 24 at 2:44 PM in Blog by Admin
当Crown Point于1979年开业时,他们为定制橱柜设定了黄金标准. 今天,他们继续惊喜和喜悦,提供令人兴奋的新细节,体现了奢华.  当里面和外面一样华丽时,你就知道这是顶级设计. 每个家具级皇冠点橱柜的内部都是用优质的美国黑胡桃木制作的, as part of their new...
Posted Oct 20 at 11:04 AM in Blog by Admin
Wicker has been around for centuries, and even though it is trending now, it truly has a timeless appeal. More and more, 我们看到柳条和藤条材料被用于室内装饰, as well as outside. 这种材料给房间和空间带来舒适. 今天的柳条可能比我们的祖父母更现代,更流线型, but Jocelyn Chiappone, of Digs Design Co...
Saltonstall Architects; Costello Fine Homes; Mac Davis Flooring; Bartlett Gardens; Surroundings; Designer Garage Doors
Posted Oct 18 at 1:35 PM in Blog by Admin
坐落在一片葱翠的草坪上,俯瞰着港口, 这个广阔的Mattapoisett撤退开始是一个潜在的拆除. Yet the current homeowners, who live year-round in Texas, 在重新配置平面图和增加必要的平方英尺的同时,保留原有两居室结构的完整性和占地面积是可能的. The husband grew up summering...
Bonnet Shores Custom Home; Stephen Winter Photography
Posted Oct 17 at 11:24 AM in Blog by Admin
Since founding MASS Architect in 2016, Nick Paolucci创建了一家全方位服务的建筑公司,在新英格兰地区提供广泛的建筑服务. 高中的制图课激发了Paolucci对建筑的兴趣, 从那时起,他就知道自己会在这个领域发展. 他参加了奥本大学的建筑课程,现在是一名注册建筑师...
Mellowes & Paladino Architects; Lien Enterprises; Kotzen Interiors; KDTurner Design; R.P. Marzilli & Company, Inc.; Greg Premru
Posted Oct 11 at 1:10 PM in Blog by Admin
拥抱这个社区经典的19世纪新英格兰根源, 这座新建的赌场位于历史悠久的康科德. “我们的目标是建造一座看起来像一直在这里的房子,” says Bob Paladino, lead architect and founder of Mellowes & Paladino Architects. 它的白色雪松护墙板和传统的外部细节向过去致敬, yet the home...
Shope Reno Wharton Architecture; KVC Builders; Jennifer Palumbo Inc.; Gregory Lombardi Design; Schumacher Companies, Inc.; Tischler und Sohn; Robert Benson Photography
Posted Oct 5 at 12:31 PM in Blog by Admin
在韦尔斯利的心脏,这个经典的新英格兰瓦屋感觉像一个私人度假胜地. From the start, 其目标是创造一个舒适的中心,供大型团体聚集, 同时也为个人提供休息的空间. 这个家什么都有——从篮球场, rock-climbing wall, movie theater, 家庭健身房,高尔夫模拟器,后院水疗中心. Situated on a lush plot, the home...
Posted Sep 30 at 11:21 AM in Blog by Admin
Beverly & Chatham, MA - SV设计是庆祝其35周年,通过卓越的设计改变生活. Founded in 1987, 该公司通过精心规划的建筑和室内设计,提升了社区和客户的生活,赢得了声誉. Formerly Siemasko + Verbridge, 长期以来,SV设计一直致力于改变客户对梦想家园的抽象概念...
FBN Construction; Twelve Chairs Interiors; Joyelle West Photography
Posted Sep 29 at 2:40 PM in Blog by Admin
In 2020, 一个年轻的家庭想要翻新他们传统住宅的关键空间,包括厨房和主套房. 他们希望保留其历史魅力,同时增加现代功能,以增强和简化日常生活. 装修尊重了历史住宅的语汇, a quality they loved, 同时也要确保他们的成长感觉平易近人和宜居...
LeaMar; Abigayle Grattan Photography
Posted Sep 27 at 2:40 PM in Blog by Admin
可以追溯到卡拉拉的采石场四代人, Italy, LeaMar Industries是东北地区天然石材的卓越进口商和分销商. LeaMar提供无与伦比的石板选择,包括花岗岩, quartzite, soapstone, 大理石(包括举世闻名的卡拉拉大理石), exotic slabs, porcelain and quartz slabs, tiles and mosaics. Family owned and...
