

西方阿克顿, MA 01720
(978) 263-6019

自1972年以来, 思想形态 has earned their reputation as the premier custom builder of the area’s finest homes.  无论是当代的还是传统的, 他们建造和维护每一个房子都注重质量, 性能和耐久性, 所有这些都是为了实现可持续建筑的理想.

Care, dedication to service and quality, and a culture of transparency earned Thoughtfor女士深受客户的信赖并屡获殊荣, including national 2003 Custom Builder of the Year from Custom 首页 Magazine. They continue to innovate and set the standard for the custom home market.

访问 思想形态 了解更多信息.


Making the commitment to go green on the homestead is a smart move. These projects are stunning examples of comfortable yet highly efficient and sustainable living spaces. 不管你的目标是被动语态, 零, 净积极的,或者只是更高的表现, 节能施工方法, 让这些项目激励你. 1. 三明治被动屋:Valle集团 而...
思想形态, Georgian Revival, Chuck Choi, Exterior, Contemporary Addition
思想形态公司 offers a new take on a classic Georgian home's contemporary addition. Originally built in 1905, this Georgian Revival was upgraded with a reconceptualized modern addition. Though a prior addition was added mid-century, it was clear that there was room for improvement. That’s when the owners called upon 思想形态公司 to build out a newly designed addition that “...
Catherine Truman建筑事务所,Jane Messinger摄影事务所 对于那些渴望平静的人, 要复兴, 增进健康和幸福, at-home spas from New England’s top professionals never fail to inspire. 凝视冬日的景色, warmed through by the 100° spa and elegant fireplace featuring advanced water vapor technology.  斯洛克姆霍尔设计,概念建筑,有限公司.,结合...
There’s something about the charged atmosphere and magic of night swimming. When the balmy summer air mingles with the glow of the pool against the dark sky and light dances within the water, suddenly we all feel a sort of kid-like wonder that inspires us to come on in! 下面的风景完美地捕捉到了这种神秘感, 将这些住宅提升到度假胜地的地位. 水之舞 景观...
One Family nonprofit organization dedicated to helping homelessness and cycle of poverty
For many years, 思想形态 has engaged in volunteer activities that give back to the community. This includes focusing on connecting people to the environment, 支持家庭活动, 并在智力和个人方面发展每一代人. 作为定制构建器, 不仅思想形态建造家园, they are deeply committed to building and strengthening the community in...
Lately, it seems that everywhere we turn we’re seeing new builds with black window frames. 这并不奇怪. 这些醒目的窗户对比度很高, 干净的线条和永恒而又现代的风格. 事实上, BDG’s publisher Melanie Perillo is incorporating Pella 窗户 and Doors’ black casement windows into her kitchen addition as we speak. 配上黑色哑光炉子,...